Guide to searching

How does it work?

Let's imagine you have a surname and a subject area, but you can't quite remember the person’s first name. No problem - simply enter what information you have to hand in the search box, e.g. 'Syvret painters'

This will return all items that contain both of the keywords in your search. To return all items that contain either of your keywords, simply click the 'All' button to the left of the search box to change this to 'Any' before clicking 'Search' again.

You can also combine search terms with filters. In this case search ‘Guiton’, you can then use the Filter button to narrow the results to an area that interests you, such as Filter by type>Photographs or Filter by type>Annual Bulletin and then Content type>articles. each time you select or change a filter click the Apply button to refine the results, simply hit Clear to reset the search settings.